Taylor Swift announces a social app for fans called The Swift Life

After a year during which Taylor Swift was nowhere to be found, Taylor Swift is suddenly everywhere: on demand on DirecTV, on the sides of UPS trucks, and now, in the App Store.

Her new app The Swift Life is a partnership with Glu, best known for cash-grab celebrity mobile games like Katy Perry Pop, Britney Spears: American Dream, Nicki Minaj: The Empire, and the crown jewel, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.

Glu CEO Nick Earl referred to her app as “a new digital entertainment project,” and “a deeply social environment,” but a press release didn’t give any further details. From the announcement video, it looks like a social platform for Taylor Swift fans, with design elements borrowed from Instagram, Tumblr, and pop-up ads for mobile games…

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Taylor Swift announces a social app for fans called The Swift Life published first on http://ift.tt/2uQVASU

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